Center of Attention Painting by Patrick D. Hubbell
Alfredo Rodriguez American West Artist
Painting of a Navajo Woman and Girl with a newborn baby in in Cradleboard.
“The New Arrival” By Alfredo Rodriguez
For Alfredo Rodriguez, painting was as much a part of his childhood development as learning to walk and speak. Some of his earliest memories are of illustrating classroom assignments and painting portraits of family members with one of his earliest gifts, a set of watercolors from his mother at the age of six. Born and raised in Mexico in a family of nine children, Alfredo used his talent to supplement his family’s income needs.
Now living in California and winning top awards from several of the most prestigious organizations, Rodriguez’ work is also included in the books “Western Painting Today” by Royal B. Hassick and “Contemporary Western Artist” by Peggy and Harold Samuels. Alfredo also has been featured in magazines such as “Art of the West,” “Informart,” “Western Horseman” and “International Fine Art Collector.”
Alfredo currently exhibits at several important invitational art shows, including “Masters of the American West” at the Autry Museum in Los Angeles, California. His paintings are also included in the permanent collections of several museums, such as the Favell Museum in Oregon, the Leanin’ Tree Museum in Colorado, the Booth Museum in Georgia and the Pearce Western Art Collection in Texas. Alfredo was also the 2005 featured artist for the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival.
A professional artist since 1968, Alfredo Rodriguez is enjoying international response by private and corporate art collectors, as well as wide critical acclaim. He is internationally recognized for his outstanding paintings of the American West. His rich and vivid images of mountains, deserts, and Indian villages are admired wherever they are displayed, but it is his portrayal of the inhabitants of the land that provides the focal point of his work. As he paints, he captures the dignity of the human spirit elevated by the majestic beauty of their surroundings. He has come a long way from such a humble beginning, yet the critics believe that his masterful treatment of the American West is largely responsible for his success and demonstrates even great potential for the future.
Source: Alfredo Rodriguez website
Image Copyright by Alfredo Rodriguez. Use for educational purposes only.
Squaw Dance Painting by Charles Yazzie, (Navajo)
Squaw Dance
Date created:
circa 1965
Charles Yazzie (Charley Yazzie), Diné (Navajo), b. 1944
Winslow; Navajo County; Arizona; USA (inferred)
Format/Object name:
Paperboard, gouache/opaque watercolors
Drawn, painted
Collection History/Provenance:
Collection history unknown; found in MAI collections and catalogued circa 1983.
Source: Smithsonian American Art Museum
Talking God Painting by David John
Navajo creation story – the Talking God
This, the Talking God, is the chief character in Navajo mythology. In the rites in which personated deities minister to a suffering patient this character invariably leads, carrying a four-piece folding wand, balal, and uttering a peculiar cry.
As yet there was neither sun nor moon to shed light, only dawn, circling the horizon in the four colors ”white in the east, blue in the south, yellow in the west, and black in the north. Deeming it necessary that they should have light to brighten the world, and warmth for the corn and the grass, on their return to the earth’s center one of the chiefs made a speech advocating the creation of a sun and a moon.
Navajo creation story – the Talking God
Navajo creation story – The First World “Nihodilhil” (Black World)
Navajo creation story – Nihodootlizh – Second World (Blue World)
Navajo creation story – Nihaltsoh -The third World (Yellow World)
Navajo creation story – Nihalgai – The Glittering or White World
Navajo Couple on Horseback by Delbert Buck
Navajo – James King painting Family Holiday Evening
James King latest oil painting titled; ‘Family Holiday Evening’-20x 30 inch oil on canvas.

"Family Holiday Evening" painting by James King, Navajo name Biee'Di'cloo' (Woolenshirt) from Bit'ahnii.
This painting is still under constuction at 75 percent completion. If interest contact at:
James King
Ph: 970 769 3390
Harry Benally first place Navajo Festival of Arts
Harry Benally won the first place blue ribbon 2009 Navajo Festival of Arts and Culture at the Museum of Northern Arizona.

Traditional Diné lady by Harry Benally
Navajo sculpture and Silversmith Harry Benally
This was our first trip to meet the Navajo Artists and Weavers. We meant 5 Navajos in a church in Sheep Springs, NM.
After the meeting Harry and Isabelle Benally took us to their home down a 6 mile dirt rode east of SheepsSprings.
Harry Benally Home
Harry Carving